A few years ago my husband & I decided to start a family, we tried naturally for quite sometime & never conceived. While trying naturally I realized my periods were all over the place, so we found the “best” doctor in our county to run some tests. He brushed us off since in his eyes it “wasn’t that serious”. After feeling incredibly helpless I took to as Lisa puts it so well “Dr. Google” to figure out what was going on, I did everything it said but still nothing, But I did discover Chinese medicine &how it can help so much with fertility issues which was very intriguing because I’d rather go a natural route.
After moving to Las Vegas we decided to look for a specialist who was highly rated & educated. That’s when I found my savior Lisa Grant. As soon as I went to her website my heart felt peace, she was so kind & honest plus incredibly educated. I immediately sent an email for my consultation, within minutes of our phone consultation she knew EXACTLY what was going on in body (PCOS) & had a plan on how to get me on track. After hanging up I cried to my husband about how I finally found someone who could help us. Lisa informed me over her workshop to reset my fertility & my only question was “WHEN!?”.
At the workshop we went over EVERYTHING, now I’m medically trained & my mother was in the medical field for 40+ years & we both never learned about PCOS either in school or in the field. Lisa has an answer for everything since PCOS was such a new thing for me I as well as other clients had many questions & Lisa made me feel more confident that I can handle this with ever answer. I left the workshop feeling so confident that I would become a mother soon, a confidence I hadn’t had before. I learned more about myself and my health in that workshop than ever before…. I recommend anyone who is wanting to start a family and looking for someone to help them get on track to go see Lisa. She helps you literally from the inside out starting with proper nutrition & supplements which let me tell you can be quite overwhelming when you’re trying to do it with Dr. Google, but Lisa makes it so easy & helpful! Plus she’s always there for you no matter what!
How many of your doctors can say that?
Thank you Lisa for everything you’ve done for me so far & helping me continue my journey to being a mother.